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2601 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890

Spin Photography


More samples:


Snowboard Binding

GAA Helmet

Shimano Bicycle Crankset



Levitating Footware

Live Model Spin

With spin product photography the online buyer is given an almost tactile shopping experience.


They can interact with the product as if on the high street but with the advantage of having each product lit, shot and touched-up by a trained photographic professional in a studio environment.


Almost anything can be photographed as a spin...from simple products like shoes, to fine-art sculptures and fashion using live models.


The pricing for this technique can be surprisingly competitive compared to still photography.


Please get in touch to get a quote, differenciate yourself from your competitors and boost your online revenue.
















Three birds, one stone.



The studio shots that go into a spin are a much higher resolution than is seen here. These pin-sharp stills can be used for print and web so your catalog photography is taken care of. 


HD video can be also be extracted from the spin for use in TV ads.


By combining the jobs of three creative professions, a brand can save money, administrative overhead and reduce their time to market significantly.


The method and apperatus for producing these spins is patent pending US62/092,871


Current Spin Clients:



























© 2012 by JACK BANKS PHOTOGRAPHY. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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